1. User Identification.
The users (from now on named "Users") using the internet web site www.chloesweethome.com (from now on named "Web site"), that accept to have the ability to use the Web site and to contract the services and products offered in it following the Spanish legal regulation and the one from the country of origin.
2. Purpose of the contract.
The contract has the purpose of selling products and services addressed to individuals or professionals.
3. The contract can be carried out in any of the available languages.
Chloé Sweet Home can at any time and without previous notice, modify the present Terms of Service, by means of the publication of the modifications in the Web site so that they could be known by the Users always before the use of the Web site.
The completing and the consignment of the order have the acceptance consideration of the contract terms.
4. Products and offered services.
The products and services offered in the Web site (from now on "Products"), together with its characteristics and prices, displayed on screen.
The above mentioned Products will be available for sale untill the end of stock or until Chloé Sweet Home considers it appropriate.
Likewise, the shipping charges to the Users address will be displayed on screen always at the User's expense, and have to be confirmed by Chloé Sweet Home´s staff.
The prices displayed will be in Euros with V.A.T. included.
The prices and conditions exposed will be the ones in force in every moment except misprint.
Chloé Sweet Home reserves the right to restrict the sale of some products imposing particular conditions which will be properly informed.
The orders will be subject to the available stock in every moment.
The offers will be properly indicated on screen.
Chloé Sweet Home reserves the right to decide, in every moment, the goods contained and offered to the Users in the Web site.
Thus, Chloé Sweet Home could at any time add new Products to the included ones in the Web site, understanding, with exceptions, that such new products will follow the arranged in the Terms of Service in force in that particular moment.
Likewise, Chloé Sweet Home reserves the right to stop facilitating the access, at any time and without previous notice, to any of the Products offered in the Web site.
5. Purchase system.
In order to purchase the Products offered at our Web site, Chloé Sweet Home requests the User to register following the instructions on the screen. New customers are required to follow these instructions:
a. To fill out the electronic form appearing on the Web site following the instructions displayed.
b. Accepting the Terms of Service
c. Receiving in the User's e-mail account a "User Name" and a "Password".
The User Name and Password have a private character and therefore are not transferable. Chloé Sweet Home may carry out with the suitable notice, any modifications concerning the user name and / or Password. Should this happen, the modified keys will lose its validity.
Once the User is registered, in order to proceed to purchase any Products the user must add the chosen product to the purchase basket according to the indications displayed on the screen. After the registration the customer must complete the order form displayed for its reading and acceptance of the in force Terms of Services or any other particular Conditions that might exist. The purchase will be executed at Chloé Sweet Home registered office.
6. Form of payment.
The payment of the goods purchased and the shipment charges will be carried out by cash on delivery (only in Spain - Peninsula), credit card, Pay Pal or bank transfer.
All the information provided to these effects is encrypted under the SSL (Secure Socket Layers) protocol to guarantee maximum safety of the same ones.
7. Shipping and Delivering.
The delivery of the orders will be performed by Chloé Sweet Home by its own means or by a transport agency designated by Chloé Sweet Home .
Chloé Sweet Home is committed to deliver the goods purchased by the User, except end of stock, in the address designated by the User, for what Chloé Sweet Home does not assume any responsibility when the delivery could not be carried out as consequence of the inaccurate or incomplete information provided, or when the delivery could not be carried out by absence of the addressee. Without prejudice of the previous thing, Chloé Sweet Home will adopt the necessary measures in order to perform the delivery as soon as possible, always before thirty (30) days from the date of the order confirmation.
The deliveries in hospitals, public organisations and rest of properties in which might exists restrictions for access to public in general, Chloé Sweet Home does not guarantee a direct delivery to the addressee, being completed the order delivery and without any responsibility, once the order has been delivered in reception or access control.
8. Abandonment.
The User will have a seven (7) working days period following the official calendar of his place of residence, to solve the purchase without even incurring in any expense and penalty, included the expenses corresponding to the goods return. The seven days term will be calculated counting from the buyer's receipt of the goods purchased. Nevertheless, if the buyer (User) had had knowledge of the Abandonment right with posteriority to the date of the purchased goods receipt, the term of seven days will start counting from the date in which he had had the knowledge of his right to return the goods purchased. In any case, it will be understood that the buyer (User) has known the Abandonment right, from the entry in the Web site, which demands the reading and acceptance of the in force Terms of Service, and in any case, from the moment in which the order is performed.
The returns of the orders will have to be sent to the Chloé Sweet Home´s head office (specified in the in force Terms of Service).
Once exercised the Abandonment right by the buyer (User), Chloé Sweet Home will return the amounts received by means of credit, without any deduction, immediately and in a superior term of thirty (30) days. Chloé Sweet Home won't refund shipment charges, neither the customs offices nor the local taxes, not any another expense derived from the shipment. Nevertheless the previous thing, the Abandonment right remains excluded in those cases in which, for the nature of the services content, it is impossible to carry it out, without prejudice of any claim for damages.
9. Intellectual property rights.
The Web's site content is an original work protected by the Law of Intellectual Property with all rights reserved by Chloé Sweet Home, not allowing the reproduction not transmission in any form, partly or of the total content of the Web site material, including without being limitative, graphic texts, design codes, without the author's previous authorization. It could never be object of copy, modification or recompilation of the Fountain codes by means of inverse engineering or any other technique to the effect.
Logos not belonging to Chloé Sweet Home could appear in the Web site belonging to their respective owners. Chloé Sweet Home does not have any responsibility regarding them in case of any possible controversy that could exist. The Web site design is property of Chloé Sweet Home from its programming, edition, compilation and other elements necessary for its functioning, therefore, it will be necessary the express authorization and in writing by Chloé Sweet Home for its total or partial reproduction, as exploitation, distribution and marketing in general.
The claims that the Users could interpose for possible breaches of intellectual rights or Industrial property of this Web site Contents have to direct to the following e-mail address: info@chloesweethome.com.
10. Obligations of the user.
With general character the User is committed to the fulfillment of the in force Terms of Service, also to fulfill the special warnings or use of instructions contained in the same ones or in the Web site and to act always in conformity with the law, good customs and good faith requirement, using the diligence adapted to the nature of the service which it is used, avoiding to use the Web site in any way that could prevent, damage or spoiling the normal functioning of the same one, Chloé Sweet Home goods and rights, suppliers, rest of Users or in general any third part.
Concretely, and without any restriction with the consent bond assumed by the User with the previous subject, the User is committed in the use of the Web site, as in the Products acquisition to:
a. In case of registering, the User is committed to provide veraciously the information provided and keep it updated.
b. Don't introduce, store or spread in or from the Web site, any information or material slanderous, insulting, obscene, menacing, xenophobic, inciting to the violence, discrimination for reasons of race, sex, ideology, religion or any form to commit an outrage against the form, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honour, intimacy or image of third parts and in general the in force regulation.
c. Do not introduce, store or spread by means of the anchor site any computer program, information, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any another instrument or electronic or physical device capable to cause damages in the Web site, in any of the Services, or in any of the equipments, systems or networks of Chloé Sweet Home, of any User, of the Chloé Sweet Home suppliers or any third part in general, or any other capable way to cause any type of alteration or prevent the normal functioning of the same ones.
d. To guard adequately your user name and password, as identifying elements and outfitters for the access to the products purchase, committing not to transfer its use nor to allowing the access to third parts, assuming the responsibility for damages caused by the wrong use of the same ones. Equally the user is committed to report to Chloé Sweet Home, with the major rapidity, its lost or theft as any other risk to access to the name of user and / or the password by a third part.
e. Do not to perform advertising, promotional or commercial activities through the Web site, using the contents and especially the information obtained through the Web site to send advertising, messages with direct sale purposes or with any other commercial purpose neither to gather nor store personal information of third parts.
f. Do not use false identities, to supplant the identity of others in the use of the Web site or in the use or purchase of any of the Products, including the use of passwords or keys to access of third parts or of any other form.
g. Do not to destroy, alter, render useless or damage data, information, Chloé Sweet Home´s electronic programs or documents, its suppliers or third parts.
h. Do not introduce, store or spread by means of the Web site any content that infringes Intellectual rights, industrial property or managerial secrets of third parts, neither to let it know to third parts without permission.
11. Communications.
To the effects of the in force Terms of Service, and for any necessary communication between Chloé Sweet Home and the Users, These ones have to contact to he Customer Service Department by e-mail (sending a message to info@chloesweethome.com) or by letter sending it to the Tax address provided with the Supplier Identification.
Chloé Sweet Home´s communications to the User will be in conformity with the information provided by this one when is registered in the anchor site.
12. Applicable law and Jurisdiction.
For every litigious matter or concerning to the Web site or any of those depending on it, the Spanish legislation will be imposed, being competent for the resolution of all the conflicts derivative or related to the use of the current web site, the Courts of Vigo, and, in such a case, the Courts of Arbitration to which Chloé Sweet Home is adhered in the moment when the controversy is produced. Any potential claim in the use of our services they can go by e-mail to: info@chloesweethome.com.