General information in compliance with the Law 34/2002

In order to comply with the regulations contained in Article 10 of the 11 july 34/2002 Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Law, DIVINOS SELECCIÓN SL as holder of the domain, provides the following general information:

Trade Name: Chloé Sweet Home
Tax Name: Divinos Selección SL
Tax ID: ES B36963411
Registered office: C/ Martín Echegaray Nº24, 7ºB 36209-Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain.
Phone +34 986 28 38 23

Registration data: Pontevedra Business Register, Book 3141, Sheet 205, Page number PO-38858.

Sanitary Registry Number: 40.24701/PO


This purchasing system complies with prevailing Spanish legislation, and all sales transactions are understood as having taken place at the legal address of Divinos Selección SL:  C / Martin Echegaray No. 24, 7 º B, 36209-Vigo (Pontevedra) Spain.  

The status of User entails full, unreserved and express acceptance of the General Conditions prevailing at the time of accessing the portal. Consequently, Users should read all these General Conditions carefully, each time they decide to access the Website.