October 4, 2012, a very special day. Chloe Sweet Home opens a beautiful store kitchenware and creative pastries in Vigo (Spain). The interior keeps a great treasure: a team of specialists to advise and give new custom ideas. Gradually, the store grew, with original and exclusive brands in decoration, bath, gifts to surprise ...
Every day, our clients we give us compliments: "What things so pretty!" So, we decided to open doors of our online store. We want to pamper every household in the world, we want to surprise you with a wide variety of products and we want you to call / write if you need a very special product. info@chloesweethome.com
Shops in Vigo (Spain):
C/Manuel Núñez Nº3 (36203).
C/ Sanjurjo Badía Nº128 (36207).
C/Urzáiz Nº 94 (36204).
Our online store offers:
Secure Purchasing Guarantee and Satisfaction 100 % Guaranteed.
Compliance with data protection regulations.
Customer Care Service by email, phone and Live Chat (information contained in the Customer Service).
Compliance with trade conditions and delivery dates.
100% Return Policy.
Sanitary Registry Number: 40.24701/PO.